I am Quindella Fletcher, and I am honored to serve as the ninth Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated® Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter in Ft. Washington, Maryland. I am excited
to welcome you and bring greetings on behalf of the chapter to our official website.
Under the leadership of our International President, Danette Anthony Reed, our large size chapter of more than 200 college-educated women is “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood.” Under this program, we are committed to building bonds of service with like-minded organizations to provide critical social programs to county residents to address six initiatives.
For additional program information, click here.
It is an exciting time of reflection and growth for our sisterhood. As Upsilon Tau Omega
continues to Build on the Legacy of Sisterhood and Service, we will implement relevant
programs focused on the social, economic, and educational welfare of residents in our
Upsilon Tau Omega strives to:
Engage all residents and bring awareness to available chapter programs.
Elevate the awareness of the unmet needs of our fellow residents in the community.
Empower those who need assistance to take advantage of the programs to soar to greater heights.
Energize others to help make a difference in the lives of those who need assistance.
We look forward to meeting and working with fellow residents and organizations as we build on the bonds of service. I encourage you to visit our website often to stay aware of upcoming program opportunities. And please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as we stay true to our mission of being a service to all mankind.
Quindella Fletcher
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated®
Upsilon Tau Omega Chapter